Directions to Stansted Airport
Plan your route here
Address data
Parking instructions
Traffic information
Traffic Information:
Stansted Airport is located 38.6 miles (62.4km) north of London city centre. The closest main road is the M11 which connects to the M25.
Stansted airport has only 1 terminal located at the center of the airport. You can reach the terminal from the M11at junction 8a from the London side and junction 8 from the Cambridgeside.
If you’re using satnav the postcodes are:
- Main Terminal: CM24 1RW
Please follow the signs at the airport to the location of your terminal.
Under normal weather and traffic conditions you can roughly assume the following travel times:
London -> London Stansted (STN) 38.6 miles / 0:45 hours
Cambridge -> London Stansted (STN) 31.1 miles / 0:35 hours
Colchester -> London Stansted (STN) 32.4 miles / 0:35 hours
Oxford -> London Stansted (STN) 89 miles / 1:30 hours
Birmingham -> London Stansted (STN) 123 miles / 1:50 hours
On the road information:
When driving with your car it is important to check your vehicle for technical defects, especially when you have to be on time for check in. We recommend to check the following aspects: engine oil, coolant, fuel, tire pressure and lights. Don’t forget to check the pressure of your spare tire!
Petrol stations
Is your can running on petrol, diesel, LPG or electricity? This should not be a problem in Britain. Petrol station can be found alongside the main roads and built up areas. Please keep in mind that LPG and electrical charging is not always available in built up areas. Tip: Petrol stations in build up areas are often cheaper.
Roadside assistance
If you run into trouble despite your technical checks roadside assistance is available. Always have the phone number for your roadside assistance company saved in your phone. That way you don’t have to look for the number and you can be helped as soon as possible.
Maximum Speed
You’re most likely familiar with traffic regulations. However to prevent traffic jams and ensure safe travels we would like to remind you of the following speed limits:
- Motorway/Dual carriageway: 70 mph
- Single carriageway/Single-track road: 60 mph
- Built-up areas: 30 mph
Before you leave please pay attention to road & motorway construction and check traffic conditions.