Directions to Doncaster Sheffield Airport
Plan your route here
Address data
Parking instructions
Traffic information
Traffic Information:
Doncaster Sheffield airport is located 6.4 miles (10.2km) from the city centre of Doncaster. The airport is served by the Great Yorkshire Way at JCT 3 on the M18. Doncaster Sheffield airport is also served by bus services to Sheffield and Doncaster and there is a rail station 7 miles away.
Please follow the signs to the location of Doncaster airport
Under normal weather and traffic conditions you can roughly assume the following travel times:
Doncaster -> Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA) 6.4 miles / 0:15 hours
Sheffield -> Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA) 24.3 miles / 0:37 hours
Rotherham -> Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA) 20.1 miles / 0:25 hours
Leeds -> Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA) 42.5 miles / 0:52 hours
Nottingham -> Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA) 49.5 miles / 1:04 hours
On the road information:
When traveling by car, safety is critical. As a result, before starting a lengthy journey, we recommend that you inspect your car for mechanical problems. Please check your lights, gasoline, coolant, engine oil, and tire pressure to reduce the likelihood of an accident or automobile issue.
Petrol stations
Along the route, you may easily find petrol, diesel, LPG, or electrical charging stations. However, if you travel into a densely populated location, you may have a more difficult time finding LPG or electricity charging stations. LPG is not usually accessible in certain locations for safety concerns, and many stations have yet to be renovated with electrical charging.
Roadside assistance
It is a good idea to have the phone number of your roadside help business stored on your phone. You never know when you'll require it. When you have a flight to catch, you want to be served as quickly as possible and not waste time hunting for a phone number.
Maximum Speed
We Like to remind you of the following speed limits:
- Motorway: 70 miles per hour
- Dual carriageway: 70 miles per hour
- Single carriageway: 60 miles per hour
- Single-track road: 60 miles per hour
- Built-up areas: 30 miles per hour
Please check traffic conditions before you leave. And pay attention to any road contruction.