Edward Lloyd Meet & Greet (T2, T3 & T5)
General information
Please choose Terminal 2, 3, or 5 for meet and return services. If you require Terminal 4, please select the appropriate option as this booking is not suitable for Terminal 4. We do not accept left-hand drive cars.
Please be aware that this parking service operates between 05:30 and 23:00. If your return is after midnight, there will be a charge of £40.00 payable to the driver.
Please note: To drive any vehicle, all drivers are completely insured. They must carry a form of identification at all times and wear black uniforms with our company emblem plainly visible.
A LATE RETURN CHARGE of £20.00 must be paid to the driver if you returned AFTER MIDNIGHT. If you return on a different flight there is a charge of £20 to pay the driver on return
All vehicles are acceptable as long as they can be driven with a standard license, have a valid MOT, and Road Tax.
When you drop off your vehicle, images of it will be taken and saved on your booking.
Edward Lloyd Parking offers Meet and Greet car parking services, this means that once you arrive at your terminal, a driver will meet you and after a quick quality check, they will have your car safely driven to their compound, which is a short drive from the airport.
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Date from
Tu. 22/10/2024
Date to
Tu. 29/10/2024
About Edward Lloyd Meet & Greet (T2, T3 & T5)
- Meet and greet service
- Only For T2, T3 & T5
- Reliable Service
- Meet at Terminal
22 October 2024
29 October 2024
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Edward Lloyd Meet & Greet (T2, T3 & T5) rating
Every parking provider on Parkos has been personally inspected and assessed by one of our staff.
The Parkos score gives you a good idea of what to expect of the parking provider.